The Center of Biomedical 研究 Excellence for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function

成立于2012年, the Center of Biomedical 研究 Excellence for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function (图) supports a vibrant and collaborative neuroscience research program at UNE. The goal of the center is to increase the scientific understanding of the neurobiology of chronic pain, facilitating the discovery and development of novel therapies.

Through funding from the National Institute of General Medical 科学s*, the center continues to expand and diversify in exciting ways — recruiting neuroscience faculty to UNE, 支持 神经科学研究人员, and launching the research programs of junior faculty via our 试点项目计划.

    The center also supports two state-of-the-art research facilities — the 行为的核心组织学和影像学核心 — which provide expertise, training, and instrumentation to perform cutting-edge research.

    *NIGMS grant # P30GM145497, PI-Meng


    1. Create a critical mass of neuroscience researchers necessary to sustain a vibrant and competitive research center. The center supports promising junior scientists, administers a pilot project grant program to fund additional neuroscience projects, and provides start-up funds for the recruitment of new faculty.
    2. Expand UNE’s neuroscience research infrastructure, providing core facilities that allow investigators to carry out cutting-edge research. 两个核心设施, the 行为的核心 和 组织学和影像学核心, provide researchers access to specialized instrumentation and equipment, as well as the training and expertise needed to use it.

    The center is pleased to enlist the advice and expertise of its 指导委员会 and External Advisory Board.


    Academic Director, School of Social and Behavioral 科学s
    教授 of Biology, 文理学院, School of Biological 科学s
    Co-Director, 组织学和影像学核心
    Assistant 教授, Department of Biomedical 科学s
    Associate Provost for 研究 and Scholarship
    教授, Department of Biomedical 科学s
    Ian Meng的大头照
    教授, Department of Biomedical 科学s
    Director, Center of Biomedical 研究 Excellence for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function
    Director, Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences
    教授, Department of Biomedical 科学s
    Director, 组织学和影像学核心
    Associate 教授, Department of Biomedical 科学s


    Yves De Koninck博士.D., 教授 of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; Scientific Director, 魁北克 Mental 健康 Institute; Director of 研究, 魁北克 Integrated 健康 University; Director, Neurophotonics中心, 拉瓦尔大学, 魁北克, 加拿大

    Jon Levine, M.D., Ph.D., 教授, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 牙科学院, 加州大学, 旧金山

    黛安·利普斯库姆博士.D., 教授 of Neuroscience, Director of the Carney Institute for Brain 科学, Brown University

    弗兰克·波雷卡博士.D., 教授, Department of Pharmacology and Anesthesiology, 医学院, 亚利桑那大学



    If you have any questions about engaging with the center contact 希瑟·波拉德他是图项目经理 or (207) 602-2517.